improve postgres query perfromance on windows with billions of records, TB data size


using Postgres 9.6, pgAdmin 4 (for running the queries) on Windows 10 64-bit with Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 1 TB C drive HDD , 2 TB D drive HDD. Postgres data is stored in D drive

I'm using Postgres to process some dataset that I receive in csv format- the steps involved are as follows

  1. Create table schema - 4 tables are created, one for each set of csv files with the same schema as per the fields in the input csv files

  2. Import CSVs to Postgres DB - Import around 4 sets of 500 CSV files each of around 4 million rows into own tables - say table01, table02, table03, table04 - I use a batch file to get the list of csv files in each set and use psql -c "copy .. command to import them. This process takes around 30s per csv file to import - so altogether 1000 minutes or ~17hrs . Each table has ~2bill rows and around 350MB per table.

  3. Create a subset of valid records and select relevant columns - For each table in #2 above, create a new table (say table01_valid, table02_valid, table03_valid, table04_valid) which has a subset of columns and exclude some rows based on a criteria - after this operation the number of rows comes down to ~1.5bill per table with each table ~200MB in size - this operation takes ~20hrs to execute for the 4 tables

  4. Select distinct records and merge - in this step the distinct rows from each table is selected, merge them via union all and a final distinct rows from the merged records is selected - this is saved into a new table say table_valid_distinct_1234 - the table size is ~450mill rows and ~35GB size - this operation takes ~12hrs

  5. Run transformations on some columns - in this step for each row, two columns are concatenated and selected as id field , two other columns are hashed, then concatenated and selected as name field. A final select is performed on this set to remove any ids with more than one unique name - the table size is ~50GB with ~450mill rows- this operation takes ~5hrs

Given the above steps, I wanted to collect feedback on improving processing speed given the number of records, data size and the hardware I'm using. Ideas on improving performance and disk usage in any of the steps from 1 to 5 would be helpful. I could provide additional info needed. Also if there is some sort of standard process to investigate this, that would also be very helpful. If there are hardware related enhancements required - should I be looking at adding more memory, more RAM or something else ?

Also one of the anomalies I see in pgAdmin which I use to run the queries is that it reports query run time as a few minutes for each of the above operations where as in reality it runs for a number of hours.


As suggested by @filiprem , adding the schema and query operations below

-- db tables
my_db_201710=# d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | data_final | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~50 GB
public | data_distinct | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~35 GB
public | data_valid01 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
public | data_raw01 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
public | data_valid02 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
public | data_raw02 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
public | data_valid03 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
public | data_raw03 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
public | data_valid04 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
public | data_raw04 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
(10 rows)

-- import csv data into postgres
@echo off
set PGPASSWORD=admin

for %%f in (*.csv) do psql -d my_db_201710 -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "COPY public.data_raw01 FROM '%%~dpnxf' DELIMITER ',' CSV;"


my_db_201710=# d+ data_raw01
Table "public.data_raw01"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
type | integer | | plain | |
time | bigint | | plain | |
msg_type | integer | | plain | |
si_id | character varying | | extended | |
mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
ti_id | character varying | | extended | |
session_id | character varying | | extended | |
mip_address | character varying | | extended | |
eip_address | character varying | | extended | |
mm_id | integer | | plain | |
en_id | integer | | plain | |

-- select valid records, columns with some column transformations
create table data_valid01 as (
select report_data_time as epoch_time, mi_id, si_id,
substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 1,8 ) as mi_hdr,
substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 9,6 ) as mi_sn,
substring(si_id, 1,5 ) as si_hdr,
substring(si_id, 6,10 ) as si_sn,
lpad(to_hex(mm_id),8,'0') as mmid,
lpad(to_hex(en_id), 6, '0') as enid
from data_raw01
where mi_id is not null and mm_id is not null and en_id is not null
) ;

my_db_201710=# d+ data_valid01
Table "public.data_valid01"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
epoch_time | bigint | | plain | |
si_id | character varying | | extended | |
mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
si_hdr | text | | extended | |
si_sn | text | | extended | |
mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
mi_sn | text | | extended | |
mmid | text | | extended | |
enid | text | | extended | |

-- merge distinct from the 4 valid tables and select distinct rows from that
create table data_distinct as (
distinct mmid, enid, si_hdr, si_sn, mm_hdr, mm_sn
from (
select *
from data_valid01
where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
union all
select *
from data_valid02
where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
union all
select *
from data_valid03
where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
union all
select *
from data_valid04
where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
) as a

my_db_201710=# d+ data_distinct
Table "public.data_distinct"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
mmid | text | | extended | |
enid | text | | extended | |
si_hdr | text | | extended | |
si_sn | text | | extended | |
mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
mi_sn | text | | extended | |

-- concatenate some cols, hash * concatenate some other colums
create extension pgcrypto;
create table data_final as (
SELECT id, simi
SELECT id, simi, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id) cnt
mmid || ',' || enid as Id,
si_hdr || encode(substring(digest(si_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') || ',' ||
mi_hdr || encode(substring(digest(mi_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') as simi
from data_distinct
) t1
) t2
where cnt = 1

my_db_201710=# d+ data_final
Table "public.data_final"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | text | | extended | |
simi | text | | extended | |


share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 3 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.


    using Postgres 9.6, pgAdmin 4 (for running the queries) on Windows 10 64-bit with Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 1 TB C drive HDD , 2 TB D drive HDD. Postgres data is stored in D drive

    I'm using Postgres to process some dataset that I receive in csv format- the steps involved are as follows

    1. Create table schema - 4 tables are created, one for each set of csv files with the same schema as per the fields in the input csv files

    2. Import CSVs to Postgres DB - Import around 4 sets of 500 CSV files each of around 4 million rows into own tables - say table01, table02, table03, table04 - I use a batch file to get the list of csv files in each set and use psql -c "copy .. command to import them. This process takes around 30s per csv file to import - so altogether 1000 minutes or ~17hrs . Each table has ~2bill rows and around 350MB per table.

    3. Create a subset of valid records and select relevant columns - For each table in #2 above, create a new table (say table01_valid, table02_valid, table03_valid, table04_valid) which has a subset of columns and exclude some rows based on a criteria - after this operation the number of rows comes down to ~1.5bill per table with each table ~200MB in size - this operation takes ~20hrs to execute for the 4 tables

    4. Select distinct records and merge - in this step the distinct rows from each table is selected, merge them via union all and a final distinct rows from the merged records is selected - this is saved into a new table say table_valid_distinct_1234 - the table size is ~450mill rows and ~35GB size - this operation takes ~12hrs

    5. Run transformations on some columns - in this step for each row, two columns are concatenated and selected as id field , two other columns are hashed, then concatenated and selected as name field. A final select is performed on this set to remove any ids with more than one unique name - the table size is ~50GB with ~450mill rows- this operation takes ~5hrs

    Given the above steps, I wanted to collect feedback on improving processing speed given the number of records, data size and the hardware I'm using. Ideas on improving performance and disk usage in any of the steps from 1 to 5 would be helpful. I could provide additional info needed. Also if there is some sort of standard process to investigate this, that would also be very helpful. If there are hardware related enhancements required - should I be looking at adding more memory, more RAM or something else ?

    Also one of the anomalies I see in pgAdmin which I use to run the queries is that it reports query run time as a few minutes for each of the above operations where as in reality it runs for a number of hours.


    As suggested by @filiprem , adding the schema and query operations below

    -- db tables
    my_db_201710=# d
    List of relations
    Schema | Name | Type | Owner
    public | data_final | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~50 GB
    public | data_distinct | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~35 GB
    public | data_valid01 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
    public | data_raw01 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
    public | data_valid02 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
    public | data_raw02 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
    public | data_valid03 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
    public | data_raw03 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
    public | data_valid04 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
    public | data_raw04 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
    (10 rows)

    -- import csv data into postgres
    @echo off
    set PGPASSWORD=admin

    for %%f in (*.csv) do psql -d my_db_201710 -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "COPY public.data_raw01 FROM '%%~dpnxf' DELIMITER ',' CSV;"


    my_db_201710=# d+ data_raw01
    Table "public.data_raw01"
    Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
    type | integer | | plain | |
    time | bigint | | plain | |
    msg_type | integer | | plain | |
    si_id | character varying | | extended | |
    mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
    ti_id | character varying | | extended | |
    session_id | character varying | | extended | |
    mip_address | character varying | | extended | |
    eip_address | character varying | | extended | |
    mm_id | integer | | plain | |
    en_id | integer | | plain | |

    -- select valid records, columns with some column transformations
    create table data_valid01 as (
    select report_data_time as epoch_time, mi_id, si_id,
    substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 1,8 ) as mi_hdr,
    substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 9,6 ) as mi_sn,
    substring(si_id, 1,5 ) as si_hdr,
    substring(si_id, 6,10 ) as si_sn,
    lpad(to_hex(mm_id),8,'0') as mmid,
    lpad(to_hex(en_id), 6, '0') as enid
    from data_raw01
    where mi_id is not null and mm_id is not null and en_id is not null
    ) ;

    my_db_201710=# d+ data_valid01
    Table "public.data_valid01"
    Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
    epoch_time | bigint | | plain | |
    si_id | character varying | | extended | |
    mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
    si_hdr | text | | extended | |
    si_sn | text | | extended | |
    mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
    mi_sn | text | | extended | |
    mmid | text | | extended | |
    enid | text | | extended | |

    -- merge distinct from the 4 valid tables and select distinct rows from that
    create table data_distinct as (
    distinct mmid, enid, si_hdr, si_sn, mm_hdr, mm_sn
    from (
    select *
    from data_valid01
    where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
    union all
    select *
    from data_valid02
    where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
    union all
    select *
    from data_valid03
    where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
    union all
    select *
    from data_valid04
    where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
    ) as a

    my_db_201710=# d+ data_distinct
    Table "public.data_distinct"
    Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
    mmid | text | | extended | |
    enid | text | | extended | |
    si_hdr | text | | extended | |
    si_sn | text | | extended | |
    mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
    mi_sn | text | | extended | |

    -- concatenate some cols, hash * concatenate some other colums
    create extension pgcrypto;
    create table data_final as (
    SELECT id, simi
    SELECT id, simi, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id) cnt
    mmid || ',' || enid as Id,
    si_hdr || encode(substring(digest(si_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') || ',' ||
    mi_hdr || encode(substring(digest(mi_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') as simi
    from data_distinct
    ) t1
    ) t2
    where cnt = 1

    my_db_201710=# d+ data_final
    Table "public.data_final"
    Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
    id | text | | extended | |
    simi | text | | extended | |


    share|improve this question

    bumped to the homepage by Community 3 mins ago

    This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.




      using Postgres 9.6, pgAdmin 4 (for running the queries) on Windows 10 64-bit with Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 1 TB C drive HDD , 2 TB D drive HDD. Postgres data is stored in D drive

      I'm using Postgres to process some dataset that I receive in csv format- the steps involved are as follows

      1. Create table schema - 4 tables are created, one for each set of csv files with the same schema as per the fields in the input csv files

      2. Import CSVs to Postgres DB - Import around 4 sets of 500 CSV files each of around 4 million rows into own tables - say table01, table02, table03, table04 - I use a batch file to get the list of csv files in each set and use psql -c "copy .. command to import them. This process takes around 30s per csv file to import - so altogether 1000 minutes or ~17hrs . Each table has ~2bill rows and around 350MB per table.

      3. Create a subset of valid records and select relevant columns - For each table in #2 above, create a new table (say table01_valid, table02_valid, table03_valid, table04_valid) which has a subset of columns and exclude some rows based on a criteria - after this operation the number of rows comes down to ~1.5bill per table with each table ~200MB in size - this operation takes ~20hrs to execute for the 4 tables

      4. Select distinct records and merge - in this step the distinct rows from each table is selected, merge them via union all and a final distinct rows from the merged records is selected - this is saved into a new table say table_valid_distinct_1234 - the table size is ~450mill rows and ~35GB size - this operation takes ~12hrs

      5. Run transformations on some columns - in this step for each row, two columns are concatenated and selected as id field , two other columns are hashed, then concatenated and selected as name field. A final select is performed on this set to remove any ids with more than one unique name - the table size is ~50GB with ~450mill rows- this operation takes ~5hrs

      Given the above steps, I wanted to collect feedback on improving processing speed given the number of records, data size and the hardware I'm using. Ideas on improving performance and disk usage in any of the steps from 1 to 5 would be helpful. I could provide additional info needed. Also if there is some sort of standard process to investigate this, that would also be very helpful. If there are hardware related enhancements required - should I be looking at adding more memory, more RAM or something else ?

      Also one of the anomalies I see in pgAdmin which I use to run the queries is that it reports query run time as a few minutes for each of the above operations where as in reality it runs for a number of hours.


      As suggested by @filiprem , adding the schema and query operations below

      -- db tables
      my_db_201710=# d
      List of relations
      Schema | Name | Type | Owner
      public | data_final | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~50 GB
      public | data_distinct | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~35 GB
      public | data_valid01 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw01 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      public | data_valid02 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw02 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      public | data_valid03 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw03 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      public | data_valid04 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw04 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      (10 rows)

      -- import csv data into postgres
      @echo off
      set PGPASSWORD=admin

      for %%f in (*.csv) do psql -d my_db_201710 -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "COPY public.data_raw01 FROM '%%~dpnxf' DELIMITER ',' CSV;"


      my_db_201710=# d+ data_raw01
      Table "public.data_raw01"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      type | integer | | plain | |
      time | bigint | | plain | |
      msg_type | integer | | plain | |
      si_id | character varying | | extended | |
      mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
      ti_id | character varying | | extended | |
      session_id | character varying | | extended | |
      mip_address | character varying | | extended | |
      eip_address | character varying | | extended | |
      mm_id | integer | | plain | |
      en_id | integer | | plain | |

      -- select valid records, columns with some column transformations
      create table data_valid01 as (
      select report_data_time as epoch_time, mi_id, si_id,
      substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 1,8 ) as mi_hdr,
      substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 9,6 ) as mi_sn,
      substring(si_id, 1,5 ) as si_hdr,
      substring(si_id, 6,10 ) as si_sn,
      lpad(to_hex(mm_id),8,'0') as mmid,
      lpad(to_hex(en_id), 6, '0') as enid
      from data_raw01
      where mi_id is not null and mm_id is not null and en_id is not null
      ) ;

      my_db_201710=# d+ data_valid01
      Table "public.data_valid01"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      epoch_time | bigint | | plain | |
      si_id | character varying | | extended | |
      mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
      si_hdr | text | | extended | |
      si_sn | text | | extended | |
      mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
      mi_sn | text | | extended | |
      mmid | text | | extended | |
      enid | text | | extended | |

      -- merge distinct from the 4 valid tables and select distinct rows from that
      create table data_distinct as (
      distinct mmid, enid, si_hdr, si_sn, mm_hdr, mm_sn
      from (
      select *
      from data_valid01
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      union all
      select *
      from data_valid02
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      union all
      select *
      from data_valid03
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      union all
      select *
      from data_valid04
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      ) as a

      my_db_201710=# d+ data_distinct
      Table "public.data_distinct"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      mmid | text | | extended | |
      enid | text | | extended | |
      si_hdr | text | | extended | |
      si_sn | text | | extended | |
      mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
      mi_sn | text | | extended | |

      -- concatenate some cols, hash * concatenate some other colums
      create extension pgcrypto;
      create table data_final as (
      SELECT id, simi
      SELECT id, simi, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id) cnt
      mmid || ',' || enid as Id,
      si_hdr || encode(substring(digest(si_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') || ',' ||
      mi_hdr || encode(substring(digest(mi_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') as simi
      from data_distinct
      ) t1
      ) t2
      where cnt = 1

      my_db_201710=# d+ data_final
      Table "public.data_final"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      id | text | | extended | |
      simi | text | | extended | |


      share|improve this question

      using Postgres 9.6, pgAdmin 4 (for running the queries) on Windows 10 64-bit with Intel Core i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 1 TB C drive HDD , 2 TB D drive HDD. Postgres data is stored in D drive

      I'm using Postgres to process some dataset that I receive in csv format- the steps involved are as follows

      1. Create table schema - 4 tables are created, one for each set of csv files with the same schema as per the fields in the input csv files

      2. Import CSVs to Postgres DB - Import around 4 sets of 500 CSV files each of around 4 million rows into own tables - say table01, table02, table03, table04 - I use a batch file to get the list of csv files in each set and use psql -c "copy .. command to import them. This process takes around 30s per csv file to import - so altogether 1000 minutes or ~17hrs . Each table has ~2bill rows and around 350MB per table.

      3. Create a subset of valid records and select relevant columns - For each table in #2 above, create a new table (say table01_valid, table02_valid, table03_valid, table04_valid) which has a subset of columns and exclude some rows based on a criteria - after this operation the number of rows comes down to ~1.5bill per table with each table ~200MB in size - this operation takes ~20hrs to execute for the 4 tables

      4. Select distinct records and merge - in this step the distinct rows from each table is selected, merge them via union all and a final distinct rows from the merged records is selected - this is saved into a new table say table_valid_distinct_1234 - the table size is ~450mill rows and ~35GB size - this operation takes ~12hrs

      5. Run transformations on some columns - in this step for each row, two columns are concatenated and selected as id field , two other columns are hashed, then concatenated and selected as name field. A final select is performed on this set to remove any ids with more than one unique name - the table size is ~50GB with ~450mill rows- this operation takes ~5hrs

      Given the above steps, I wanted to collect feedback on improving processing speed given the number of records, data size and the hardware I'm using. Ideas on improving performance and disk usage in any of the steps from 1 to 5 would be helpful. I could provide additional info needed. Also if there is some sort of standard process to investigate this, that would also be very helpful. If there are hardware related enhancements required - should I be looking at adding more memory, more RAM or something else ?

      Also one of the anomalies I see in pgAdmin which I use to run the queries is that it reports query run time as a few minutes for each of the above operations where as in reality it runs for a number of hours.


      As suggested by @filiprem , adding the schema and query operations below

      -- db tables
      my_db_201710=# d
      List of relations
      Schema | Name | Type | Owner
      public | data_final | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~50 GB
      public | data_distinct | table | postgres -- ~450 mill rows, ~35 GB
      public | data_valid01 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw01 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      public | data_valid02 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw02 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      public | data_valid03 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw03 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      public | data_valid04 | table | postgres -- ~1.8 bill rows, ~200 GB
      public | data_raw04 | table | postgres -- ~2 bill rows, ~350 GB
      (10 rows)

      -- import csv data into postgres
      @echo off
      set PGPASSWORD=admin

      for %%f in (*.csv) do psql -d my_db_201710 -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 -c "COPY public.data_raw01 FROM '%%~dpnxf' DELIMITER ',' CSV;"


      my_db_201710=# d+ data_raw01
      Table "public.data_raw01"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      type | integer | | plain | |
      time | bigint | | plain | |
      msg_type | integer | | plain | |
      si_id | character varying | | extended | |
      mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
      ti_id | character varying | | extended | |
      session_id | character varying | | extended | |
      mip_address | character varying | | extended | |
      eip_address | character varying | | extended | |
      mm_id | integer | | plain | |
      en_id | integer | | plain | |

      -- select valid records, columns with some column transformations
      create table data_valid01 as (
      select report_data_time as epoch_time, mi_id, si_id,
      substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 1,8 ) as mi_hdr,
      substring(lpad(substring(mi_id, 1,14 ), 14, '0'), 9,6 ) as mi_sn,
      substring(si_id, 1,5 ) as si_hdr,
      substring(si_id, 6,10 ) as si_sn,
      lpad(to_hex(mm_id),8,'0') as mmid,
      lpad(to_hex(en_id), 6, '0') as enid
      from data_raw01
      where mi_id is not null and mm_id is not null and en_id is not null
      ) ;

      my_db_201710=# d+ data_valid01
      Table "public.data_valid01"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      epoch_time | bigint | | plain | |
      si_id | character varying | | extended | |
      mi_id | character varying | | extended | |
      si_hdr | text | | extended | |
      si_sn | text | | extended | |
      mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
      mi_sn | text | | extended | |
      mmid | text | | extended | |
      enid | text | | extended | |

      -- merge distinct from the 4 valid tables and select distinct rows from that
      create table data_distinct as (
      distinct mmid, enid, si_hdr, si_sn, mm_hdr, mm_sn
      from (
      select *
      from data_valid01
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      union all
      select *
      from data_valid02
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      union all
      select *
      from data_valid03
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      union all
      select *
      from data_valid04
      where epoch_time >= 1510202400000 and epoch_time <= 1510224000000
      ) as a

      my_db_201710=# d+ data_distinct
      Table "public.data_distinct"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      mmid | text | | extended | |
      enid | text | | extended | |
      si_hdr | text | | extended | |
      si_sn | text | | extended | |
      mi_hdr | text | | extended | |
      mi_sn | text | | extended | |

      -- concatenate some cols, hash * concatenate some other colums
      create extension pgcrypto;
      create table data_final as (
      SELECT id, simi
      SELECT id, simi, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY id) cnt
      mmid || ',' || enid as Id,
      si_hdr || encode(substring(digest(si_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') || ',' ||
      mi_hdr || encode(substring(digest(mi_sn || 'Maria Sharapovan' , 'sha256') from 17), 'base64') as simi
      from data_distinct
      ) t1
      ) t2
      where cnt = 1

      my_db_201710=# d+ data_final
      Table "public.data_final"
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      id | text | | extended | |
      simi | text | | extended | |



      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 26 '17 at 7:02


      asked Nov 25 '17 at 9:23




      bumped to the homepage by Community 3 mins ago

      This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

      bumped to the homepage by Community 3 mins ago

      This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

          1 Answer





          Interesting question but also very open one. I'm putting a list of recommendations here - hope it helps.

          • Publish the full schema and data samples if you want more people work on this question.

          • publish the postgresql.conf

          • Follow the official PostgreSQL Performance hints.

          • Use parallel processing when possible. On modern 4-core desktop CPU you can start with 2-3 threads. Observe system CPU usage (kernel time vs user time) while running the import. COPY is CPU-intensive.

          • If you don't need durability and crash safety, follow Non-Durable Settings

          • Consider combining Step 2 and step 3 (filter on the fly) if you don't need the invaliid data in postgres.

          • Consider plain UPDATE instead of copying the same data into new tables. It might be faster or slower depending on the structure/constraints.

          • Before loading, remove all but absolutely required indexes. Recreate them after loading.

          • Re hardware investments, purchasing SSD drive will have highest impact/cost ratio.

          share|improve this answer

          • as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

            – user3206440
            Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          • Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

            – filiprem
            Nov 28 '17 at 11:02

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          Interesting question but also very open one. I'm putting a list of recommendations here - hope it helps.

          • Publish the full schema and data samples if you want more people work on this question.

          • publish the postgresql.conf

          • Follow the official PostgreSQL Performance hints.

          • Use parallel processing when possible. On modern 4-core desktop CPU you can start with 2-3 threads. Observe system CPU usage (kernel time vs user time) while running the import. COPY is CPU-intensive.

          • If you don't need durability and crash safety, follow Non-Durable Settings

          • Consider combining Step 2 and step 3 (filter on the fly) if you don't need the invaliid data in postgres.

          • Consider plain UPDATE instead of copying the same data into new tables. It might be faster or slower depending on the structure/constraints.

          • Before loading, remove all but absolutely required indexes. Recreate them after loading.

          • Re hardware investments, purchasing SSD drive will have highest impact/cost ratio.

          share|improve this answer

          • as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

            – user3206440
            Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          • Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

            – filiprem
            Nov 28 '17 at 11:02


          Interesting question but also very open one. I'm putting a list of recommendations here - hope it helps.

          • Publish the full schema and data samples if you want more people work on this question.

          • publish the postgresql.conf

          • Follow the official PostgreSQL Performance hints.

          • Use parallel processing when possible. On modern 4-core desktop CPU you can start with 2-3 threads. Observe system CPU usage (kernel time vs user time) while running the import. COPY is CPU-intensive.

          • If you don't need durability and crash safety, follow Non-Durable Settings

          • Consider combining Step 2 and step 3 (filter on the fly) if you don't need the invaliid data in postgres.

          • Consider plain UPDATE instead of copying the same data into new tables. It might be faster or slower depending on the structure/constraints.

          • Before loading, remove all but absolutely required indexes. Recreate them after loading.

          • Re hardware investments, purchasing SSD drive will have highest impact/cost ratio.

          share|improve this answer

          • as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

            – user3206440
            Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          • Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

            – filiprem
            Nov 28 '17 at 11:02




          Interesting question but also very open one. I'm putting a list of recommendations here - hope it helps.

          • Publish the full schema and data samples if you want more people work on this question.

          • publish the postgresql.conf

          • Follow the official PostgreSQL Performance hints.

          • Use parallel processing when possible. On modern 4-core desktop CPU you can start with 2-3 threads. Observe system CPU usage (kernel time vs user time) while running the import. COPY is CPU-intensive.

          • If you don't need durability and crash safety, follow Non-Durable Settings

          • Consider combining Step 2 and step 3 (filter on the fly) if you don't need the invaliid data in postgres.

          • Consider plain UPDATE instead of copying the same data into new tables. It might be faster or slower depending on the structure/constraints.

          • Before loading, remove all but absolutely required indexes. Recreate them after loading.

          • Re hardware investments, purchasing SSD drive will have highest impact/cost ratio.

          share|improve this answer

          Interesting question but also very open one. I'm putting a list of recommendations here - hope it helps.

          • Publish the full schema and data samples if you want more people work on this question.

          • publish the postgresql.conf

          • Follow the official PostgreSQL Performance hints.

          • Use parallel processing when possible. On modern 4-core desktop CPU you can start with 2-3 threads. Observe system CPU usage (kernel time vs user time) while running the import. COPY is CPU-intensive.

          • If you don't need durability and crash safety, follow Non-Durable Settings

          • Consider combining Step 2 and step 3 (filter on the fly) if you don't need the invaliid data in postgres.

          • Consider plain UPDATE instead of copying the same data into new tables. It might be faster or slower depending on the structure/constraints.

          • Before loading, remove all but absolutely required indexes. Recreate them after loading.

          • Re hardware investments, purchasing SSD drive will have highest impact/cost ratio.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 25 '17 at 15:43




          • as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

            – user3206440
            Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          • Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

            – filiprem
            Nov 28 '17 at 11:02

          • as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

            – user3206440
            Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          • Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

            – filiprem
            Nov 28 '17 at 11:02

          as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

          – user3206440
          Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          as suggested I have added the full schema and the queries here.

          – user3206440
          Nov 26 '17 at 6:47

          Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

          – filiprem
          Nov 28 '17 at 11:02

          Thanks. It looks like not a single shot question but rather an optimization task which will take fair time to solve. Try to track your I/O and CPU during the process - this would be very valuable input.

          – filiprem
          Nov 28 '17 at 11:02

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